Houston Pregnancy Discrimination Attorneys
If a pregnant woman is not hired or is passed up for a promotion in favor of a non-pregnant woman—or if an expectant mother is denied benefits, disability leave, or Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave—or when a mother on maternity leave is fired or loses her position—an employer may be discriminating based on pregnancy. To talk with Houston employment attorneys experienced in investigating pregnancy discrimination cases, contact Shellist Lazarz Slobin.
Pregnancy discrimination is a form of gender discrimination in the workplace, and it violates the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, which is an amendment to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. These federal laws prohibit discrimination based on gender, sex, and pregnancy, and they are enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
A Houston pregnancy discrimination lawyer from our team at Shellist Lazarz Slobin can explain your rights under these federal laws, and represent you in a pregnancy discrimination claim. Call us at (713) 352-3433.
Understanding Your Rights Against Pregnancy Discrimination
Under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), unlawful discrimination includes:
- Discrimination in hiring, promotions, or issuing health insurance or fringe benefits on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions
- Refusal to hire a pregnant woman because of her pregnancy, a pregnancy-related condition, or the prejudices of co-workers, clients, or customers
- Refusal to give the same considerations to workers temporarily disabled by pregnancy as given to other workers temporarily disabled, such as allowing modification of tasks or alternative assignments
- Prohibiting an employee from returning to work for a predetermined length of time after childbirth
Under the federal Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), “an eligible employee shall be entitled to a total of 12 workweeks of leave during any 12-month period…because of the birth of a son or daughter of the employee and in order to care for such son or daughter.” If you have been denied your employee rights under FMLA, or if you have been denied maternity leave or temporary disability leave, contact the pregnancy discrimination lawyers at Shellist Lazarz Slobin.
Shellist Lazarz Slobin
Our boutique employment law firm serves employees, employers, and executives in Texas and across the country. Our employment lawyers can put decades of experience and expertise to work for you.
Call Our Attorneys Today: (713) 352-3433

Whatever employment issues you face, you can find the answers you need by contacting our Houston employment attorneys.