Gender / Sex Discrimination Lawyers in Houston, Texas
Knowledgeable and Effective Representation for Houston Employees
If you were victim of discrimination based on your gender, you should know about the laws that are designed specifically to protect you from this type of treatment. Our employment law firm, Shellist Lazarz Slobin, is based in Houston, Texas. We are proud to represent clients throughout the state of Texas and nationwide. Our attorneys have decades of combined legal experience. We're prepared to represent and advice you regarding possible gender / sex discrimination in the workplace.
What Is Gender Discrimination?
- Some examples of actions that may constitute sex discrimination in the workplace include:
- A female employee who is paid less than a man in a comparable position, with similar levels of experience, education, and ability, or vice versa
- Treating married men differently than married women
- Employees receive gender-based criticism for traits, behaviors, or characteristics considered too masculine or too feminine
- An employee is consistently passed over for promotions, raises, or recognition while other employees of the opposite sex who are clearly less qualified receive those opportunities
- Employers ask questions during the hiring process, and make hiring decisions based on, an applicant's marital status and whether or not he / she has children or plans to have children
- Managers or officers have a tendency to speak to male employees or female employees in an insulting or demeaning way
- Company policies that require provocative dress stereotyping one gender
The law protects employees from gender discrimination and harassment based on gender in the workplace. All aspects of employment are covered in these laws, including decisions that affect new hires, assigning jobs, promotions, layoffs, training, benefits, salary / pay, firing, and more. Harassment does not have to be sexual in nature to qualify as illegal gender harassment; it may include demeaning jobs or remarks about an individual's sex, including general comments against men or women. If an employer's non-job related policy applies to both men and women, but disproportionately and negatively affects one sex over the other, this may also constitute discrimination.
Federal Law Prohibits Gender-Based Discrimination
- The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces some of the laws that protect employees from sex discrimination, including:
- Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which makes employment discrimination based on protected qualities-including sex-illegal
- The Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA), which prohibits sex-based payment discrimination
To schedule a consultation with a Houston employment lawyer at Shellist Lazarz Slobin, call us at (713) 352-3433 today.
Shellist Lazarz Slobin
Our boutique employment law firm serves employees, employers, and executives in Texas and across the country. Our employment lawyers can put decades of experience and expertise to work for you.
Call Our Attorneys Today: (713) 352-3433

Whatever employment issues you face, you can find the answers you need by contacting our Houston employment attorneys.